10 Sexualities To Know About

Many of you guys have requested a topic on the types of sexualities: Bisexuality, homosexuality, heterosexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality, asexuality, grey asexuality, demisexuality, adrosexuality, etc.

We really wanted to make this video for a long time, but wanted to make sure our content is representative and accurate. We hope that this video has been what you guys are looking for.

Hopefully, Youtube doesn’t take this video down. Please share this video with others before it gets taken down.

還, we have a favour. If you can afford to, please consider supporting our channel on a monthly basis:


Other options:

We would love to be able to keep making content like these for you guys. Topics that matter even if they get demonetized, less views or taken down.


編劇: Imogen Bowler – https://每年7月14日?v=GY8_ppSa6Ng&t=26s
腳本編輯器: Steven Wu
VO: Lily Hu
動畫師: Francesco Par
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

Please also thank our team who worked super hard on this!


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