10 你可能已經經歷過的最奇怪的心理現象
The human brain and how it works remains a perplexing puzzle that is still largely an unsolved mystery. Psych2Go has compiled a list of strange phenomenons of the mind, to keep your curiosity burning. Did you know that the brain is capable of the following: Déjà Vu, Deja Vecu, Deja Visite, Deja Senti, Jamais Vu, Presque Vu, L’espirit de L’escalier, Capgras Delusion, Fregoli Delusion, and Prosopagnosia? Which of these phenomenon do you find most intriguing? Would you be interested in diving deeper into case studies and research conducted on them? Psych2Go would love to hear your thoughts!
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