10 關於我們的大腦如何工作的令人驚訝的事實
你是神經科學的粉絲嗎? 你對我們的大腦如何工作感到好奇嗎? 神經系統? 以及我們大腦如何運作的心理學? Cognitive psychology was one of my favourite psychology class in my undergraduate studies, and these are the 10 interesting psychology facts that I remember. Did you know: brain is more creative when you’re tired, doing new things change how you perceive time, stress can change size of brain etc.
#brainpower #brain
Did you know that certain habits you think are common can actually damage your brain? 觀看此視頻以了解: https://youtu.be/uL9OczDLvYs
作家: 邁克爾·米切爾
腳本編輯器 & 經理: 宋凱莉
語音: www.youtube.com/AmandaSilvera
動畫師: Aury
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張
速成課程是使用 Adobe Creative Cloud 製作的:
庫珀, B. B. (2020, 六月 24). How Our Brain Works: 10 Surprising Facts: Buffer Blog. Buffer Resources. buffer.com/resources/10-surprising-facts-about-how-our-brain-works/.
DENT Neurologic Institute. (2020, 十月 19). 22 Facts About the Brain: World Brain Day. DENT Neurologic Institute. www.dentinstitute.com/posts/lifestyle-tips/22-facts-about-the-brain-world-brainday/#:~:text=When%20you%20are%20awake%2C%20your,150%2D260%20miles%20per%20hour.