14 判斷某人是否有自殺傾向的方法

對世界各地的許多人來說,自殺是一種非常悲傷但又非常真實的情況. Here is a list of potential signs to look for if you think someone you know may be considering suicide. How to tell if someone or a friend or family member is suicidal is another way of saving a life.

**Do note that one of these signs alone does not mean someone is suicidal. Usually, it’s a combination of these signs.**

If you are feeling depressed or contemplating suicide please remember that you are not alone.

If you’re looking for affordable and convenient therapy to deal with stress, 焦慮, or depression, please check out our sponsor BetterHelp:


Suicide Hotlines:
美國: 1-800-273-講話 (8255)
加拿大: 1-866-531-2600
澳大利亞: 13 11 14
英國: +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90
北京: 0800-810-1117
香港: +852 28 960 000
日本/東京: 81 (0) 3 5286 9090
巴西: 55 11 31514109 或者 (91) 3223-0074
墨西哥: 9453777
德國: 0800 111 0 111
俄羅斯: (495) 625 3101
印度: 91-22-27546669
伊朗: 1480
南非: 0800 12 13 14

這只是少數幾個國家的簡短列表, 但是總有人可以聯繫.

Also we are aware number 10 is repeated twice, it was too late to change it once the issue was realized. Apologies.

Article: http://www.psych2go.net/signs-of-suicide/

編劇 1: Elliot F.

畫外音 & Post scripting: https://www.youtube.com/user/DesigningDonna

Animation by: Emma Schrederis https://vimeo.com/e94

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