360頁 | 頁 | 頁

Floating silently amongst the wreckage of a destroyed space station with no memory and a severely damaged EVA suit slowly leaking oxygen, the only survivor struggles to determine the cause of the catastrophic event that took the lives of everyone on board.

During the 360 Recording process the in game the hands and feet have been removed. Sorry about that lol

You can check the game out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/300060/ADR1FT/
VR or desktop mode both supported.

移動用戶: 滑動屏幕 / 移動電話
電腦用戶: 使用 WASD 或按住鼠標左鍵環顧四周
如果您的網絡可以處理,請確保將設備上的質量設置更改為 4k.


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