360° VR 星球大戰 POD RACER 劇集 1 ( 虛幻粉絲重製 ) 免費下載
This Star Wars Pod racer game is a fan remake of the 1999 Pod racer game. I just turned it in to a 360 學位視頻.
Game Made by: Julien Robyn
You can find the download link from his youtube video: https://每年7月14日?v=xqKRR1ao2FU
移動用戶: 滑動屏幕 / 移動電話
電腦用戶: 使用 WASD 或按住鼠標左鍵環顧四周
或使用 VR 耳機.
I played on low quality to get the smoothest video i could. Shadows where also off. Check the game out before its gone. It’s free.
如果您喜歡我的內容,請考慮訂閱更多 360 學位視頻. 確保你按鈴!
#starwars #360video
My 360° gaming video playlist – https://每年7月14日?v=SbuTUdrlXPY&list=PLTGSV5J-lH8rkhgB70uQZUsS5J4_lYOKx