5 Ways Narcissistic Abuse Change You

Narcissistic abuse (NPD) is a form of emotional abuse that can have profound and lasting effects on a person’s well-being. If you’ve been a victim of narcissistic abuse, you may have noticed changes in your personality, 行為, and overall sense of self. 在這個視頻中, we explore 5 ways narcissistic abuse can change you and the lasting effects it can have on your life.

在這個視頻中, we delve into the psychological and emotional toll of narcissistic abuse. We also discuss the different tactics narcissists use to control and manipulate their victims, including gaslighting, blame-shifting, and projection. By understanding the ways narcissistic abuse can change you, you can begin to heal and regain control of your life. We offer practical tips and advice on how to recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse, seek professional help, and build resilience.

Whether you’re a survivor of narcissistic abuse, a concerned friend or family member, or just curious about the topic, this video offers a comprehensive guide to understanding the lasting effects of narcissistic abuse.

DISCLAIMER: This article isn’t meant to diagnose anyone as a narcissist or confirm that you have experienced narcissistic abuse. Please reach out to a mental health professional to discuss potential narcissism or narcissistic abuse

We also made a video on the signs you’re dealing with narcissistic abuse: https://youtu.be/H_Dqczmp8Kc

作家: Brie Cerniglia
腳本編輯器: 凡妮莎·陶
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
畫外音: 阿曼達·西爾維拉 (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
動畫師: Evelvaii @Evelvaii
Sound Designer: Gower Sun
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

參考: https://psych2go.net/5-ways-narcissistic-abuse-changes-you/


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