6 早上要避免的壞習慣

你有沒有註意到一天過去了,你沒有完成一件事? 如果您早上的工作效率不高, you will likely find it difficult to be productive the rest of the day.

To help you have a productive day, watch this video!

We also made a video on the small habits that can change your life forever: https://youtu.be/-fgbQsVtsfo

作家: 薩拉·德爾維拉
腳本編輯器: Caitlin McColl
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉
動畫師: Naphia
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

Barr, Sabrina. “Pressing Snooze Button Confuses Body and Brain, Sleep Experts Claim.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 13 三月. 2020, www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/sleep-snooze-button-wake-morning-inertia-body-brain-experts-a8492376.html.
“Five Bad Morning Habits You Should Avoid.” The Journal Times, 18 六月 2020, journaltimes.com/news/national/five-bad-morning-habits-you-should-avoid/video_ede9cda0-21bf-5a11-be53-c587a826b0e6.html.
Günel, Sinem. 7 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning. 19 十一月. 2020, medium.com/the-ascent/7-things-you-should-try-never-to-do-in-the-morning-2ccd8f7ac89d.
“Seven Things You Should Avoid Doing in the Morning.” Make Me Better, 21 Aug. 2020, www.makemebetter.net/seven-things-you-should-avoid-doing-in-the-morning/.
Wolff, Carina. “11 Surprising Things You Should Never Do Just After You Wake Up.” Bustle, 忙碌, 9 二月. 2018, www.bustle.com/p/11-surprising-things-you-should-never-do-just-after-you-wake-up-8167587.


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