6 情緒消耗的習慣

您是否傾向於更關注我們的身體健康而不是我們的情緒健康? 畢竟, it is easier to focus on something that we can actually see, rather than something such as emotions and feelings.

One of the most common negatives of this is emotional exhaustion, which is defined as a state of feeling emotionally drained and worn out as a result of accumulated stress. To help you prevent emotional exhaustion, we made this video.

We also made a video on the signs you’re emotionally drained: https://youtu.be/97gLl1eGD2s

編劇: Xinyi
腳本編輯器: 何伊莎多拉
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉
動畫師: Faye Miravalles
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的

Cafasso, J。, 2019. Emotional Exhaustion: What It Is And How To Treat It. [在線的] 健康熱線. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health/emotional-exhaustion [Accessed 24 十一月 2020].

Cousins, L., 2018. ARE THERE DOWNSIDES TO ALWAYS TRYING TO BE POSITIVE?. [在線的] Health Agenda. Available at: https://www.hcf.com.au/health-agenda/body-mind/mental-health/downsides-to-always-being-positive#:~:text=%E2%80%9CSuppressing%20your%20emotions%2C%20whether%20it’s,memory%20and%20self%2Desteem.%E2%80%9D [Accessed 24 十一月 2020].

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Nortje, 一種。, 2020. Mindful Thinking: 4+ Ways To Stop Ruminating And Overthinking. [在線的] Positive Psychology. Available at: https://positivepsychology.com/mindful-thinking/ [Accessed 24 十一月 2020].

Quintero, S., 2020. Toxic Positivity: The Dark Side Of Positive Vibes. [在線的] The Psychology Group. Available at: https://thepsychologygroup.com/toxic-positivity/#:~:text=We%20define%20toxic%20positivity%20as,the%20authentic%20human%20emotional%20experience. [Accessed 24 十一月 2020].

Raypole, C。, 2019. How To Identify And Deal With A Victim Mentality. [在線的] 健康熱線. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health/victim-mentality [Accessed 24 十一月 2020].

Tartakovsky, M。, 2018. Why Ruminating Is Unhealthy And How To Stop. [在線的] Psych Central. Available at: https://psychcentral.com/blog/why-ruminating-is-unhealthy-and-how-to-stop/#:~:text=When%20people%20ruminate%2C%20they%20over,%2Ddrinking%20and%20binge%2Deating. [Accessed 24 十一月 2020].


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