6 Signs Your Crush Likes You Back

We made a special video to celebrate the last day of Pride month! We hope everyone enjoys this video! Let us know what you think about this video.

Here is 6 signs your crush like you back. Attraction can come in all different forms. Love is love! 大多數時候, we talk about romance and attraction in the context of a man and a woman. But that isn’t always the case.

很遺憾, there hasn’t been a lot of research into the LGBTQ elements of attractionat least not nearly as much as heterosexual attraction. As time goes on, we’re sure that more data will be made available. But for the time being, here’s a few signs of attraction that we found that think applies to LGBTQ couples!…

編劇: Elliot Figueira
腳本編輯器: Steven Wu
VO: Amine Bouzaher
動畫師: Grace Cano
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

Psych2Go Issue 13 Magazine Announcement:


Gay people of Reddit, what signs do you look for when trying to find another gay person to date? In other words, how do you know they’re gay?


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