6 Signs You’re In Survival Mode, 不懶惰

Did you know, your body will go into survival mode – activating the “lizard” part of your brainif ANYthing overloads it to indicate your demise might be imminent? This can include things like prolonged grief, severe abuse, or prolonged burnout. This Survival State is like booting in safe mode: Essential Functions ONLY! Not sure if you’re in survival mode or just lazy? Here are some signs to help you tell the difference.

Are you burnt out but you don’t realize it? You may relate to this video: https://youtu.be/8HravKAx2HQ

作家: 西亞茲瓦納阿米拉
腳本編輯器: 丹妮絲丁
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉 (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
動畫師: Chantal Van Rensburg
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張


Rosenthal, 米. (2020, 六月 25). The Science Behind PTSD Symptoms: How Trauma Changes The Brain. Boston Clinical Trials. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from https://www.bostontrials.com/how-trauma-changes-the-brain/


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