6 Signs You’re Not Truly Happy

Do you truly feel happy about your life? When you’re running the marathon of life, you will at some point feel exhausted or unsure of yourself somewhere along the way. When you lose touch with your real, authentic self, you lose sight of one of the most important things in life – 幸福. So maybe it’s been a while since you last checked in with yourself. To give you more clarity about how you truly feel, here are a few signs that might indicate that you’re not truly happy.

Looking for tips on how to be happy? 我們也有一個視頻: https://youtu.be/XLBKy7g3yTc

免責聲明: The information in this video is purely for educational purposes only and is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have concerns surrounding your mental health, please seek help from a licensed professional. 謝謝!

作家: Aditi Nambiar
腳本編輯器: 何伊莎多拉
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉
動畫師: Hinata Honda
IG @hinatahonda https://www.instagram.com/hinatahonda
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的
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