7 跡象顯示你生來就是一個孤獨的人
Daily life and the world in general can be tiring, with its unexpected changes and surprise events that can disrupt your sense of stability and safety, so people can seek solace and refuge from these stressful happenings, by sometimes hiding away and recuperating. If you think that this might sound like you, here are a few signs you’re born to be a loner.
Side note, to anyone feeling lonely, this is for you: https://youtu.be/TWNL7EClClo
作家: Max Gustavo
腳本編輯器: 麗達巴圖
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉 (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
動畫師: Sam Ronacher (https://twitter.com/Scutlei)
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張
Munoz, Ĵ. (2021, 行進 19). Psych2go – psychology articles | quizzes | shop. Psych2go.net . 從...獲得
Unknown , ü. (2018). Why being a loner may be good for your health. BBC Future. Retrieved from www.bbc.com/future/article/20180228-there-are-benefits-to-being-antisocial-or-a-loner#:~:text=We%20tend%20to%20decry%20being,health%20and%20even%20leadership%20skills.
BRAINY DOSE. (2021, 十一月 14). 11 跡象顯示你生來就是一個孤獨的人. YouTube.com. Retrieved from www.youtu.be/cXrkIGMyfnI.
Sarva, 噸. (2021). 11 signs you were born to be a loner – iynk.in. 谷歌. Retrieved from www.google.com/amp/s/www.iynk.in/11-signs-you-were-born-to-be-a-loner/%3famp=1
SlightlyBetter. (2021, 二月 20). If You Relate to These 6 標誌, You Were Born To Be a Loner. YouTube.com. 從...獲得