7 Signs You’re NotToo Nice”, 這是你的創傷 (Fawning)

Are you feeling like you need to betoo niceto people? Do you feel like you need to always put others first, even if it’s causing you pain? 在這個視頻中, we are going to teach you about trauma fawning and how it’s a common sign that you may be suffering from PTSD (創傷後應激障礙). Trauma fawning is when you excessively swap attention and affection with people who have hurt or traumatized you in the past.

If you’re struggling with people-pleasing, 這個視頻是給你的. We’ll discuss the symptoms of trauma fawning and how you can identify it in yourself. By understanding the signs, you can start to take steps to heal and

Did you know that trauma can explain your coping mechanism? Find out all about it here: https://youtu.be/3JYUktUSNgE

作家: 克洛伊·阿文納薩
腳本編輯器: 宋凱莉
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
語音: 阿曼達·西爾維拉 (http://www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
動畫師: micoflores
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的:
Walker, 磷. (2018). Complex PTSD: From surviving to thriving. Tantor Audio.
Priebe, 生態城市. (29 Sep 2022). “Are You ‘Too NiceOr Are You Fawning?” [影片] YouTube, 每年7月14日?v=fOQAmHuadLA
The Dawn Wellness Center & Rehab (2022). “Trauma and the Fawning Response: The Dark Side of People-Pleasing.Retrieved from thedawnrehab.com/blog/trauma-and-the-fawning-response/
Gaba, S., & Perina, ķ. (2020). “Understanding Fight, Flight, Freeze and the Fawn Response.” 今日心理學. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/addiction-and-recovery/202008/understanding-fight-flight-freeze-and-the-fawn-response#:~:text=Flight%20includes%20running%20or%20fleeing,person%20to%20avoid%20any%20conflict
Khiron Trauma Clinics (2021). “The Subtle Effects of Trauma: People Pleasing.Retrieved from khironclinics.com/blog/people-pleasing/
Davis, 小號. (2022). “Rejection Trauma and the Freeze/Fawn Response.C-PTSD Foundation. Retrieved from cptsdfoundation.org/2022/02/21/rejection-trauma-and-the-freeze-fawn-response/
Ryder, G。, & Gepp, ķ. (2022). “The Fawn Response: How Trauma Can Lead to People-Pleasing.Psych Central. Retrieved from psychcentral.com/health/fawn-response


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