8 Habits That Make YOU Stay UNHAPPY

Happiness is a common goal that everyone wants to achieve. Even though we all want to be happy, have you wonder why you are still unhappy? Do you wonderwhy am I always so unhappy with my life?” or try to search forhabits to be happy”? Common habits of unhappy people include: dwelling in the past, rumination, not exercising and so much more. See how many of these habits of unhappy people that you check off.

Are you looking for tips on how to be happy? Watch this video: https://youtu.be/XLBKy7g3yTc

DISCLAIMER: This video is intended for education purpose. Please also note that this does not apply to trauma or a tragic experience that may require a long time to move past or professional assistance.

作家: Ria Parikh
腳本編輯器: 麗達巴圖
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉
動畫師: Bry Gavino
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的
Bradberry, 噸 (2016, 行進 12). “10 Troubling Habits of Chronically Unhappy People”. HuffPost.
Meikle, ķ (n.d). “How Does Overworking Affect Physical and Mental Health?”. Passport Health.
Sack, D (2014, 行進 5). “Are You Addicted to Unhappiness?” Psychology Today. Where Science Meets the Steps.
Shin, Ĵ. E., & Kim, Ĵ. ķ. (2018). How a Good Sleep Predicts Life Satisfaction: The Role of Zero-Sum Beliefs About Happiness. 心理學前沿, 9, 1589. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01589.


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