8 Reasons Why You’re Always in The Friendzone

Being in the “friend zone” means that there’s an emotional mismatch between two people. One of them sees the other as a friend, but the other wants to be more. Have you ever fallen victim to the friendzone? Do you find yourself being friendzoned a lot by the guys/girls you like? There are a lot of reasons why you might find yourself stuck in the friend zone on more than one occasion — and it’s not because you’re “too nice” or “too friendly” for your own good. Are you wondering what mistakes you might be making to end up in this situation so often? Are you at a loss about where to go from here? Watch this video to find out why!

If you relate to this and want to learn how to avoid the behaviors that may be keeping you single, we have a video that as well: https://youtu.be/9GJlfrxMnjA

作家: 克洛伊·阿文納薩
腳本編輯器: 何伊莎多拉
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉
動畫師: Alen Diaz
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

速成課程是使用 Adob​​e Creative Cloud 製作的:

Vino, 大號. (2015). “9 Reasons You’re in the Friendzone.” Retrieved 04 四月 2020 from www.mtv.com/news/2089961/why-girls-friend-zone/

Michele (2015). “Women in the Friend Zone: Why You’re Always The Friend, Never the Lover.” Retrieved 04 四月 2020 from www.lunchactuallyacademy.com/2017/08/04/women-in-the-friend-zone-why-youre-always-the-friend-not-the-lover/

Bielecka, 米. (2014). “Why Women Always Friend Zone You.” Retrieved 04 四月 2020 from www.goodmenproject.com/featured-content/women-always-friend-zone-jvinc/

Youth Village (2015). “The Top 10 Reasons Why You Are Stuck In The Friendzone.” Retrieved 04 四月 2020 from www.youthvillage.co.za/2015/01/top-10-reasons-friendzone/

Nicholson, Ĵ, (2013). “Avoiding the Friend Zone: Becoming A Girlfriend or Boyfriend.” Retrieved 04 四月 2020 from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-attraction-doctor/201302/avoiding-the-friend-zone-becoming-girlfriend-or-boyfriend/

If you have any stories to share with us or video requests, please email us at editorial@psych2go.net


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