8 高度敏感的人的驚人特徵

Highly sensitive person”, or HSP for short, is a term coined by Dr. Aron for those who are thought to have an increased central nervous system sensitivity to process subtleties and details that most miss when it comes to physical, 情緒化的, or social stimuli. these people are often more perceptive, empathetic, self-aware, and intuitive.

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Studies have estimated that 15-20 percent of the population is highly sensitive, 然而, many people do not fully understand what it means to be an HSP, let alone knowing if they are one of them. 所以, we’ve made this video to help you identify the traits highly sensitive people have!

If you relate to this video and think you may be an HSP, we’ve also made a video on the struggles HSPs can relate to. Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/TPR1P_D8zjY

作家: Charlotte Tong
腳本編輯器: 何伊莎多拉
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: Lily Hu
動畫師: Grottimob
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張

到, 乙. (2020). 常問問題: You talk about DOES as a good way to summarize all the aspects of high sensitivity: Depth of processing, overstimulation, emotional responsivity/empathy, and sensitive to subtleties. But what is the evidence that these actually exist? – The Highly Sensitive Person. Hsperson.com. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.hsperson.com/faq/evidence-for-does/.

到, 乙. (2020). Time to Find Out: Are You Highly Sensitive?. 今日心理學. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/attending-the-undervalued-self/201003/time-find-out-are-you-highly-sensitive-0.

Azab, 米. (2017). Are you too sensitive? Should you change? | Marwa Azab | TEDxOakland[影片]. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyk_nLkPM7E.

Fraga, Ĵ. (2020). Being “Highly Sensitive” Is a Real Trait. Here’s What It Feels Li. 健康熱線. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/what-its-like-highly-sensitive-person-hsp#1.

莫林, A. (2020). 9 Common Traits of Highly Sensitive People. 今日心理學. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.psychologytoday.com/sg/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201609/9-common-traits-highly-sensitive-people.

斯科特, 乙. (2020). Highly Sensitive Person Traits That Create More Stress. Verywell Mind. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.verywellmind.com/highly-sensitive-persons-traits-that-create-more-stress-4126393.

Snow, A. (2020). Highly Sensitive Person Trait + Characteristics — Expansive Heart Psychotherapy. Expansive Heart Psychotherapy. Retrieved 27 七月 2020, from www.expansiveheart.com/highly-sensitive-person.

Do you have any stories or video requests that you would like to share with us? Contact Editorial@psych2go.net


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