A year in the life of one of Earth’s weirdest animals – 吉拉德葡萄酒

追踪鴨嘴獸的一年, 並探索動物獨特的適應性如何確保其生存.

Waddling along the parched Australian earth, a female platypus is searching for fresh water. 在過去的一年, a severe drought turned rivers and streams to mere trickles. She barely survived and was unable to reproduce. Could the next year bring a change in luck? Gilad Bino traces a year in the life of a platypus, and explores the unique adaptations that ensure this ancient species’ 生存.

Lesson by Gilad Bino, directed by Petya Zlateva, Compote Collective.

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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/venom-spurs-duck-bills-and-spiky-penises-a-year-in-the-life-a-platypus-gilad-bino
使用其他資源深入挖掘: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/venom-spurs-duck-bills-and-spiky-penises-a-year-in-the-life-a-platypus-gilad-bino#digdeeper

動畫師的網站: https://vimeo.com/user2624511

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