報喜 [3D] – 列奧納多·達·芬奇 | 佛羅倫薩烏菲齊美術館

The subject matter of the work depicts the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would conceive miraculously and give birth to a son to be named Jesus and called “the Son of God”, whose reign would never end.

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Leonardo sets the scene in a garden enclosed by a wall, referring to the concept of “hortus conclusus” or closed garden, symbol of Mary’s virginity. Note the traditional position of the angel who, coming down from the left, kneels in front of Mary and hands her the lily as a symbol of purity.

藝術家: 列奧納多·達·芬奇
標題: 報喜
Dimensions: 98 厘米 × 217 厘米 (39 in × 85 在)
地點: 烏菲茲美術館, 佛羅倫薩, 意大利
Created: 1472–1475 circa

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