Arabs Abroad: The Politician and the Inventor | 半島電視台世界

Over decades, millions of people from the Arab world have emigratedsome driven by conflict and persecution, others for economic and family reasons. They have settled in Europe, 澳大利亞, the Americas and Africa.

But media coverage tends to focus on refugees fleeing war, poverty and persecution, often at the start of their treacherous journeys. These stories can sometimes be stereotyped and incomplete.

In the Arabs Abroad series, Al Jazeera World profiles the lives of migrants long after their initial journey. We meet people who have built successful lives away from their Arab homelands, while remaining connected to their rootseach in their own way giving something back to the region of their birth.

In ‘The Politician and The Inventor’ we meet two remarkable success stories: Faycal el-Khoury, a Lebanese-Canadian MP and Dr Adnan Wahhoud, a designer of textiles machinery.

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