是否有普遍的情感表達? – 蘇菲·扎德

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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/are-there-universal-expressions-of-emotion-sophie-zadeh

這 40 or so muscles in the human face can be activated in different combinations to create thousands of expressions. But do these expressions look the same and communicate the same meaning around the world regardless of culture? Is one person’s smile another’s grimace? Sophie Zadeh investigates.

Lesson by Sophie Zadeh, animated by Estúdio Bacuri.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! Without you, this video would not be possible! 阿比吉特·基蘭·瓦魯裡, 曼迪普·辛格, Sama aafghani, Vinicius Lhullier, Connor Wytko, Marylise CHAUFFETON, Marvin Vizuett, 賈揚特·薩赫瓦爾, Quinn Shen, Caleb ross, 埃爾納森·約書亞·班加揚, Gaurav Rana, Mullaiarasu Sundaramurthy, 何塞·恩里克·萊奧波爾多·席爾瓦, 丹·帕特尼蒂, Jose Schroeder, Jerome Froelich, Tyler Yoshizumi, 馬丁斯蒂芬, Justin Carpani, Faiza Imtiaz, 哈利法阿爾胡萊爾, 德克薩斯特區, Govind Shukla, 斯里科特·奈佔巴, Ex Foedus, Sage Curie, 前 Enrique Cisneros Tuch, 維尼安·維維拉, Ahmad Hyari, A Hundred Years, eden sher, 崔維斯·韋爾曼, Minh Tran, Louisa Lee, Kiara Taylor, Hoang Viet, Nathan A. Wright, Jast3r , Аркадий Скайуокер, Milad Mostafavi, Singh Devesh Sourabh, Ashley Maldonado, 克拉倫斯 E. 小哈珀, Bojana Golubovic, Mihail Radu Pantilimon, Sarah Yaghi, Benedict Chuah, 卡提克·切拉拉, 還沒弄清楚, Violeta Cervantes, 伊萊恩·菲茨帕特里克, 林茨舒爾特, cnorahs, 恩里克·索林’ 卡蘇斯, Tim Robinson, Jun Cai, 保羅施耐德, Amber Wood, 奧菲莉亞吉布森最佳, and Cas Jamieson.


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