稍後觀看添加 05:06 世界精選SoF 最佳聽音室: 爬蟲 – 我唱著我的哭聲 | 到目前為止聖地亞哥 聚焦 Sofar Sounds 的藝術家’ 聚焦 Sofar Sounds 的藝術家 | 在此處觀看 REPTILA 的完整聆聽室設置: https... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 44:25 歷史TCD 可卡因白金 (完整劇集) | 藥物, 公司. 多於 4 million regular users of cocaine in the United States make it worth more than gold; from a Peruvian farm crop to a produ... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:45:46 刺青跟著作DYK 跟隨劇集 5 詳細的花 Have you tattooed a detailed flower before? In this Follow Along Episode 5 Detailed Flower video we will be doing a detailed floral... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 42:27 環境與自然_紀錄片_DW Do whales and humans speak the same language? | 德國之聲紀錄片 Are the sounds and acoustic signals whales make similar to human language? Biologists agree the animals communicate with one another... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 34:44 精神分析治療LTU 插曲 14: 俄狄浦斯情結. 永恆或過時? 概括: When this term comes into play, all analytical alarm bells start going off: Oedipus Complex. This concept seems to epitomiz... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 09:21 智能房屋SHT 3 Inspiring Homes 🏡 Unique Architecture ▶ Watch Now! Today we are exploring tiny homes in Brazil, New Zealand and United States. Unique architecture as well as locations. Modern archite... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 03:57 個人成長 5 大多數年輕人犯的錯誤 & 後悔以後的生活 Is there anything you regret doing in the past? When we’re young, we make mistakes. A lot of them. But that’s one way we learn and g... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:46 世界旅遊WOT Gravity Biking: An inclusive extreme sport Phil Hall was a passionate downhill mountain biker. 在 2003, he suffered a spinal cord injury in a motorbike accident that paralysed... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:41 當代舞蹈TPL Lost Dog: Paradise Lost (lies unopened beside me) | 官方預告片 Paradise Lost (lies unopened beside me) is a one-man adaptation of Milton’s epic poem – told through words, music and the easily mis... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:58 個人成長 7 一個人真正成熟的跡象 (明智的) How do you know if someone is as mature as they appear? Although we often associate maturity with age, there is also emotional matur... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:58 1.隨身心理學 7 一個人真正成熟的跡象 (明智的) How do you know if someone is as mature as they appear? Although we often associate maturity with age, there is also emotional matur... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 02:48:22 刺青跟著作DYK 跟隨劇集 4 錨心 2 Have you tattooed a heart or an anchor before? In this Follow Along Episode 4 錨心 2 video we will be doing another heart/an... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:37 Open學院 西班牙語的歷史 – Latin gets everywhere (2/6) How old is Spanish? Where do words like siesta, cerveza or paella come from? What languages have influenced Spanish the most? Read t... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:00:26 LondonCourtauld美術館 考陶德開放時間 – 插曲 2, S5: Hair Moments Join The Courtauld for our fifth online series, ‘Open Courtauld Hour’ “It’s the difference between a good day and a bad day, hair is... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 03:58 設計師家屋TLP The Home of An Award-Winning Interior Designer (房屋之旅) Redfern Terrace is the home of an award-winning interior designer, Kirsten Stanisich. Co-Director of Sydney-based interior architect... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 55:44 人文紀錄片WOH 穆斯林世界和西方國家: 文化衝突 | “流放家庭電影”, 通過阿拉什T. 里亞希 An Iranian family living in political exile in Europe and America decides to organize a secret meeting with the rest of the family s... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 17:40 駭客任務WIR 酒吧老闆建立了一個警報,阻止您忘記信用卡 | 黑客工作 | 有線 你知道擁有酒吧最令人沮喪的部分是什麼嗎? 顧客離開時, 但是在酒吧忘記了他們的信用卡! Wha... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 03:28 房產簡報MVL ROYALTY FREE 商業背景音樂 | 免版稅企業宣傳音樂背景 MUSIC4VIDEO ● 訂閱頻道● https://bit.ly/2Ep1LVb ►Get this music: https://1.envato.market/e4QJPg ►Download from Patreon: https://www.p... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 05:22 約會 7 童年情感忽視的警告信號 An unloved child will burn the village to feel its warmth. Do you feel like there is a hole in your heart because your parent never... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 53:29 直播影片RSA 如何更新我們共同的生活 | RSA 重播 The more we spend time with people unlike ourselves, doing things together, the more understanding, tolerant, and even friendly we b... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 32:18 Boston美術館 巴斯奎特和嘻哈一代: 推薦給 6-12 年級 This 30-minute live interactive program connects an MFA educator with students to explore works of art from the Museum’s exhib... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 34:49 Boston美術館 巴斯奎特和嘻哈一代: 推薦給 1-5 年級 This 30-minute live interactive program connects an MFA educator with students to explore works of art from the Museum’s exhib... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:03:37 Boston美術館 藝術家 | 學生 | 館長: 博物館如何運作 – 敘事 During this live interactive program, we’ll explore how museums are rethinking curatorial approaches to consider whose stories and v... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 18:20 自我 ADB 僅限虛擬旅遊: 藝術逃脫, EP. 7: Tiny Things Pocket-sized artworks never fail to fascinate. Explore the enduring appeal of intricately carved netsuke (mini-sculptures in ivory,... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:00:40 自我 ADB 事件記錄: 藝術逃脫, EP. 1: 青銅: China’s Power Metals and Q&A with Dr. Jay Xu 青銅: China’s Power Metal with Dr. Jay Xu From the live program on February 13, 2021 Costly to produce and ingeniously engineered,... 繼續閱讀