稍後觀看添加 08:23 建築CVM The Most Impressive Mega Projects of All Time Civil Engineering is everywhere its in every road you drive it’s in the water you drink it’s in the houses you in the of... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 45:09 如何刺青DYK Tattooing 101-Stipple,鞭子,Pepper Shading Have you ever thought about doing the stipple, whip, pepper shading effect? In this video I share with you MY approach in which I ta... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 16:29 Blender動畫製作GRU Introduction to Geometry Nodes Part 2 警告: This tutorial is now outdated in Blender 3.0, which uses the new and easier to understand ‘Fields’ system. Watc... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 23:04 Blender動畫製作GRU Introduction to the new Geometry Nodes in Blender 警告: This tutorial is now outdated in Blender 3.0, which uses the new and easier to understand ‘Fields’ system. Watc... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 08:32 商業解讀CNB ASOS 如何成為世界上最大的零售商之一 | CNBC解釋 ASOS is one of the largest online fashion marketplaces globally, selling more than 800 labels in 238 territories. CNBC’s Timothyna D... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:14:04 科普直播RoI 為什麼心理健康會出錯以及如何理解它 – 與院長伯內特 What is it about modern life that has such an impact on our mental health? And what is actually going on in our brains when we suffe... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:24:24 Smithsonian美國藝術館 “¡印刷革命!” 虛擬對話系列: Legacy of Printmaking On March 25, 2021, the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) presented a virtual conversation featuring artists included in the lan... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:02 Detroit藝術館 爆炸式的傳統, 惠斯勒的黑金夜曲, 墜落的火箭 James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Nocturne in Black and Gold, 墜落的火箭, 1875, 面板上的油, 60.3 × 46.7 厘米 (Detroit Institute... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 05:16 事物科學 如何用聲音看 – 雅克小號. 阿布拉莫維奇 Discover how scientists and doctors used bats’ ultrasound capabilities as inspiration for SONAR and non-invasive medical proce... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 44:26 直播影片RSA 如何實現雄心勃勃和具有挑戰性的事情 | RSA 重播 There is no secret formula for success, but what if there was a pattern you could follow to help you accomplish your goals? Certain... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:29:10 歷史TCD The Entire History of the Cold War Explained | Best Cold War Documentary The Cold War was an ideological battle between Communism and Capitalism, the East vs the West and the resulting struggle for ideolog... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 03:23 人物專訪BBC-C 香港選舉制度改革:劉慧卿怒問「為何不乾脆直接任命你喜歡的人?」- BBC News 中文 中國全國人大常委會通過修改香港選舉立法會議員和行政長官的方法,同時增加立法會和選舉委員會的議席。這讓北京在行政長官的選舉上擁有更多話語權,但批評人士認為,這將對民主派造成重大打擊。 BBC採訪了香港前立法會議員、民主黨前主席劉慧卿。她形容,對香港來說,這是「非常黑... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 11:37 有機化學速課 Synthesis and Column Chromatography: 有機化學速成班 #25 Even though all living things have a lot in common, different organisms can have very different reactions to the same organic chemic... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 05:55 心理健康 8 Signs You’re an Emotionally Mature Person Are you a highly sensitive person (熱休克蛋白) or an empath? Are you able to feel how others are feeling? Is it easy for you to notice othe... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:21 成長教學SPR The Dunning Kruger Effect The Dunning Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias that makes people believe they are smarter and more capable than they actually are. Th... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 07:16 1.藝術史SMH 密斯凡德羅, 西格拉姆大廈 路德維希·密斯·凡德羅與菲利普·約翰遜, 西格拉姆大廈, 1956–58, 375 公園大道, New York speakers: 博士. 馬修一個. Postal a... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 02:46 台灣故事BBC-C 台灣鳳梨大陸遇禁轉賣香港日本,果農:「自由鳳梨打開很多通路」- BBC News 中文 台灣鳳梨產季才剛開始,中國大陸就祭出鳳梨暫緩進口令,對台灣鳳梨外銷影響甚大。 為應對此次鳳梨風波,台灣農委會已宣佈投入10億新台幣穩定鳳梨價格。總統蔡英文發起「全民吃鳳梨」行動,外交部長吳釗燮也在社交媒體推特上呼籲各界支持台灣的「自由鳳梨」。 在屏東種植鳳梨的果農... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 03:37 伴旅關係ud_ADB 臉紅是什麼意思? 我們被教導說愛需要誠實, 秘密是健康關係的詛咒. But there may be very noble reasons... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 02:12 台灣故事BBC-C 台灣帛琉「旅遊泡泡」4月1日啟航,台美斷交47年美國首次有大使訪台- BBC News 中文 台灣與帛琉(帕勞)將於4月1日開啟亞太地區首個「旅遊泡泡」。帛琉總統惠恕仁(Surangel Whipps Jr.)3月28日率團訪問台灣,美國駐帛琉大使倪約翰(John Hennessey-Niland)亦罕有隨行。這是自1979年台美斷交以來,首次有美國駐外大... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 09:46 智能房屋SHT 4 Unique HOMES 🏡 Aligned with Nature 🌲 Welcome to a new episode of inspiring houses. Today we visit four unique homes located in Canada, 巴厘島, Norway and England. Unique m... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 11:20 LondonWallace收藏中心 專家之選: 帶有“Rose Marbré”的 Sèvres 陶瓷茶具’ 裝飾 菲利克斯佐佐, 華萊士收藏館策展助理, looks closely at a Sèvres porcelain tea service decorated with a dazzli... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 07:11 Detroit藝術館 藝術家示範: Nabeela Najjar Learn about the art and artistic process of Nabeela Najjar, a costume and fashion designer located in Detroit, 密歇根州. Her work is... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 00:45 報導紀錄短片PBS 手錶: Biden’s historic cabinet, in under a minute #Shorts So far 21 out of 23 members of President Biden’s Cabinet have been in sworn in, including the first Native American Cabinet secretar... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 06:56 心理健康 不要對患有精神疾病的人說煩人的話 Are you suffering from mental illnesses like depression or anxiety? Do you know someone who is? People who are suffering from a ment... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 06:56 1.隨身心理學 不要對患有精神疾病的人說煩人的話 Are you suffering from mental illnesses like depression or anxiety? Do you know someone who is? People who are suffering from a ment... 繼續閱讀