稍後觀看添加 08:59 美洲藝術SMH Nast & Reconstruction, understanding a political cartoon Thomas Nast, “The Union As It Was—Worse Than Slavery,” 1874 警告: this video includes violent and racist imagery Thom... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 22:43 精神分析治療LTU 插曲 6: 心理化. 要么: “我就是我認為你認為的我。” Description: Mentalization Everyone has probably wondered to themselves: “Why did I just do that?” or even, “Why did my partner actu... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:04 公共藝術NSH 納希爾公眾: Shelby David Meier on the Impact of COVID-19 Shelby David Meier talks about the impact of COVID-19. Shelby David Meier grew up in Littleton, Colorado and has lived in Dallas/For... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:50 公共藝術NSH 納希爾公眾: Shelby David Meier on Similarities in His Sculptures Shelby David Meier talks about the similarities in his sculptures. Shelby David Meier grew up in Littleton, Colorado and has lived i... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 07:53 WS-Smithsonian亞洲美術館 北齋: Mad about Painting Enjoy a tour of the exhibition, “Hokusai: Mad about Painting” with Frank Feltens, Japan Foundation Assistant Curator of Japanese Art... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:00 報導紀錄短片PBS 3 things you can do about climate change from home during COVID | #短褲 Even though many of us are stuck at home during the pandemic, there are still ways to make more climate-friendly choices. Altering t... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 52:02 世界旅遊WOT 瑞士山脈: 鬆緊線, 高峰與孤獨 | 從上面的阿爾卑斯山 (10/10) 瑞士位於阿爾卑斯山的中心. 在瑞士國家公園, the oldest existing national park in the Alps, the behaviour... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 05:31 約會 6 Reasons People Leave The One They Love Have you ever wondered why someone would break up with you even when they still love you? That feeling of abandonment can really hur... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 50:08 歷史TCD 金鷹 – 天空之主 | 免費紀錄片性質 金鷹 – 天空之主 | Wildlife Documentary Watch ‘Germany’s Wild Birds’ 當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始: https://優圖... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:03 現代風古典WAC CARLOS CIPA – ARKATA (Munich Session) The second song of Carlos Cipa’s Munich Session recreates „Arkata“, a very freely played piano song on the edge of being too q... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 14:47 DWC德國之聲新聞解讀DW 是誰造成一「芯」難求?| DW一看你就懂! 芯片=數字時代的「新石油」?小小芯片為何成為美國箝制中國的「殺手鐧」?在這場博弈之中,台灣扮演怎樣的角色?為什麼芯片代工廠台積電會被台灣人稱作「護國神山」?本期「DW一看你就懂」,將這些問題逐個為你解答。 01:12 芯片短缺為何會導致車廠停產? 05:13 半導... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 14:47 新聞解讀DW 是誰造成一「芯」難求?| DW一看你就懂! 芯片=數字時代的「新石油」?小小芯片為何成為美國箝制中國的「殺手鐧」?在這場博弈之中,台灣扮演怎樣的角色?為什麼芯片代工廠台積電會被台灣人稱作「護國神山」?本期「DW一看你就懂」,將這些問題逐個為你解答。 01:12 芯片短缺為何會導致車廠停產? 05:13 半導... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:35:14 人文紀錄片WOH Healer makes years of pain disappear | “Doing Good” – 記錄, 2015 The importance of hope: Margreth Olin has filmed 22 people meeting the healer Joralf Gjerstad. Over the past 65 年, around 50.000... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 32:43 python程式PPO Python Flask 網站前後端互動 – 連線方法 GET、郵政 加入會員觀看影片:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCguZS-y7codLSt6vpkVdnKg/join Python Flask 網站後端開發: 網站前後端互動 – 連線方法 GET、郵政 1. 連線方法的基礎... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 28:55 Wodocs紀錄片 COVID-19: Fears and thoughts of 3 doctors during the pandemic (記錄, 2020) PANDEMIC19 is a short documentary film that captures the story of three doctors, 博士. Pooja Aysola, 博士. Virginia Brady and Dr. Brian... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:23:14 Cooper-H-S設計美術館 藝術, 時尚, 表現: 看透創意合作 As the collaborative relationship between art and fashion has evolved into near ubiquity over the past 30 年, so have questions a... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 06:59 南美藝術SMH 埋藏了千年的打結謎題 A Four-Cornered Hat, Wari (Huari) 文化, C. 500–900 C.E., camelid fiber, 17.8 X 18.4 厘米, 57.8 cm circumference, Bolivia or Peru (T... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 56:06 人物訪談NYT 奧利維爾·魯斯汀, 皮爾保羅·皮喬利, 澤麗娜·阿克斯, 和 Maria Raga 談時尚的多樣性 Moderated by New York Times fashion director Vanessa Friedman, our latest On the Runway event asks industry leaders if the Western h... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:33 自我 ADB Gershwin/Heyward – “Summertime” 從 “Porgy and Bess” (Cynthia Haymon) Glyndebourne Festival Opera on 24 七月 1992, Watch the full gala here: http://bit.ly/GlyndebourneFestivalOpera-AGalaEvening1992 Cynt... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 05:15 反社會-精神病 10 Gaslighting聽起來像什麼的例子 Gaslighting appears to be a word used a lot in the media these days, but what is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a form of emotional abu... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:01:43 科普直播RoI How Can Machines Learn Human Values? – with Brian Christian Brian explores everything that goes wrong when we build AI systems and introduces the people that fix them. Brian’s book ̵... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 04:57 事物科學 人工智能是如何學習的? – 布賴安娜布朗內爾 Explore the three major methods of machine learning, which allows computers to write their own rules to problem solve and process da... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 44:05 直播影片RSA 我們時代的新社會契約 | RSA 重播 The social contract shapes everything: our political institutions, legal systems and material conditions, but also the organisation... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 18:13 python程式PPO Python NumPy 多維陣列 ndarray 切割操作 By 彭彭 喜歡彭彭的教學影片嗎?點擊「加入」按紐取得更多會員服務哦。 加入會員:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCguZS-y7codLSt6vpkVdnKg/join Python NumPy 入門教學: 多維陣列 ndarray 切割操... 繼續閱讀
稍後觀看添加 01:12:35 CrystalBridges美國藝術館 Crafting America Spotlight Talk: Ben Venom This video is part of a series of lectures spotlighting artists from the exhibition “Crafting America” at Crystal Bridges Museum of... 繼續閱讀