波羅的海沿岸 (1/10): 城堡和神話 | 季節 1: 德國

沿著弗倫斯堡峽灣, Angeln懸崖和基爾灣, 直升飛機沿著古老地標的路線行駛. From the Northern tip of Germany, ship set their sails to get the Gold of Westindia in 19th centuryrum, which is still traded here today. The moated castle of Gluecksburg glistens brightly in the sunset. Its heiress, the Princess of Ysenburg, is one of the last successors of the Danish kings and is saving their legacy from oblivion. In Schleswig, a hobby viking revives the old times, following the rituals of Haithabu, which was once largest Viking city in Germany. The journey ends in Eckernfoerde with a dive among Baltic jellyfish, brought to the screen as mysterious medusas of the sea.

Watch all episodes of the “波羅的海沿岸” series: https://bit.ly/BalticCoasts

** 波羅的海沿岸 – 季節 1:
“大波羅的海” is a term that connects nine countries around Europe’s largest continental waters: the Baltic Sea. Most of the coastline belongs to the European Union today, but the differences between these countries are as huge as their historic backgrounds from trade to war. With aerials as narrative framework, interesting people share their life and work around the Baltic shores.

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