英國廣播公司點擊 360: 世界上第一個完全 360 電視劇集 – 英國廣播公司點擊

Experience BBC flagship technology programme Click like never before in this first of a kind special 360 degree programme.
Travel by helicopter to the desolate face of a glacier in the Swiss alps, go 100m underground inside the world’s largest physics experiment CERN with never-before-seen footage of the complex, witness world firsts: 這 360 degree magic trick and a preview of computer game SUPERHOT.

Plus hear from industry experts and the team about how we made the show, and how you too could soon be making your own 360 內容.

360 video must be viewed in Chrome desktop or through the YouTube app on mobile devices.

Follow us on Twitter @bbcclick and on facebook.com/BBCClick/
Find out how the show was made at bbc.co.uk/news/technology/


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