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The giant hornet has one terrible weaknessit cannot stand heat. After millions of years facing their enemy, the bees use this to their advantage.
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#BuddhaBeesAndTheGiantHornetQueen #BBCEarth

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自然世界: 佛蜂和大黃蜂皇后
It’s springtime on Honshu Island, and a queen stirs from hibernation. She alone has the ability to create an empire of winged killers, one that will last all summer long. She is a Japanese giant hornet: the largest wasp on the planet. Armed with razor-sharp jaws, thick armour plating, and a lethal half-inch stinger, these hornets have but one mission: to spread their majesty’s reign to the whole countryside. Is there nothing that can stop this murderous horde? Or will the giant monsters destroy all who stand in their way, man and insect alike?

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