英國脫歐, migration and religion: How could the UK vote for Brexit? | Barber Shop Ep. 1

This episode is part of the seriesBarber Shop”.
Click here to get to the playlist with all 6 episodes: http://bit.ly/BarberShopSeries

A look at the views of ordinary people and their hopes in the post-Brexit society via the microcosm of the local barbershop in Clacton-on-Sea.

訂閱頻道: https://goo.gl/5Sp36B
訂閱wocomoMUSIC: https://訂閱wocomoMUSIC

In Clacton-on-Sea, a small seaside town, barber Susan and her clients reflect on current European issues like migration, religious extremism, economic decline and the position of the UK vis-à-vis the EU. As her barbershop serves as the local get-together place in the neighborhood, we get to peek in the opinions of ordinary people and their hopes on post Brexit society.

Susan is one of the very rare female barbers, who learned the profession since she was 14. With clients of both sides (the REMAIN voters and the LEAVE voters), we follow Susan balancing between being warm and social on the one hand and being closed and protectionist on the otheran issue that all European populations struggle with since the migration crisis and Muslim extremism.

We meet 6 populations in transition via the microcosm of the local barbershop. In every episode, a population finds itself on the verge of change and a barber plays his role. As opinion maker, as confessor, as story collector, as society barometer. Gradually, Barber Shop measures the state of our world, offering dialogue and human resilience as a hopeful perspective for the future.

#SocietyReflections #wocomoHUMANITY

© Licensed by First Hand Films


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