Bundu / Sowei Helmet Mask (Mende peoples)

Bundu or Sowei Helmet Mask (Ndoli Jowei), Mende, Nguabu Master (Moyamba district, Sierra Leone), late 19th-early 20th century, wood and pigment, 39.4 X 23.5 X 26 厘米 (布魯克林博物館) 揚聲器: 博士. Peri Klemm and Dr. 史蒂文糖

Sowei refers most specifically to medicine—the kind of medicine that female healers/herbalists utilize. Embodied in this idea of medicine is a spiritual force. The mask, when danced, is a visual expression of this spirit. The term also refers to the custodian of the medicine — a Sande official.


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