刻板印象可以是好的嗎? – 希拉瑪麗奧爾法諾和 Densho

探索模範少數民族刻板印象, 並發現它是如何成為亞裔美國人的標籤並被用來強化種族等級制度的.

在 2007, researchers surveyed 180 teachers to understand if they held stereotypes about their students. The most commonly held opinion was that Asian students were significantly more industrious, intelligent, and gentle. This might seem like a good thing, but treating this stereotype as reality can cause a surprising amount of harm. Sheila Marie Orfano and Densho dig into the model minority myth.

Lesson by Sheila Marie Orfano and Densho, directed by Léon Moh-Cah.

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