你能解開埋藏寶藏之謎嗎? – 丹尼爾·格里勒

在 https 練習更多解決問題的方法://brilliant.org/TEDEd/

查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-solve-the-buried-treasure-riddle-daniel-griller

After a massive storm tears through the Hex Archipelago, you find five grizzled survivors in the water. As an act of gratitude for saving them, they reveal a secret – the island they were just on holds some buried treasure. But when the sailors try to describe the island, something seems off. Can you find the booty despite their strange instructions? Daniel Griller shows how.

Lesson by Daniel Griller, animation by Patrick Smith.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的! 凱琳·拉姆齊, Seung Hoon Shin, 約翰·薩維蘭, 妮可·菲爾森德-羅克斯伯勒, 文卡特·文卡塔克里希南, 桑迪·納賽爾, CG Nobles, 瑜珈空中飛人旅行癖, 傑倫·布萊克本, 亞歷杭德羅·卡舒亞, 托馬斯·蒙加萬, 埃琳娜·克雷西亞, 埃德拉·帕尼格爾, 安娜-皮奇納昆茨, Tim Armstrong, Alessandro , Erika Blanquez, zjweele13 , Judith Benavides, Znosheni Kedy, 凱特琳·德·法爾科, Scheherazade Kelii, Errys , 金家均, 亞歷山德里娜·丹尼菲爾德, 斯蒂娜·博伯格, Anthony Wiggins, 陳懷南, Joe Sims, 大衛彼得羅維奇, Chris Adriaensen, 洛厄爾·弗萊明, Lorenzo Margiotta, Amir Ghandeharioon, 阿努吉·托馬爾, 桑尼·帕特爾, 維賈亞拉克什米 , 德韋什·庫馬爾, 烏代·基肖爾, 艾丹·福雷羅, 艾倫·海耶斯, 托馬斯·巴爾曼, Alexander Baltadzhiev, 瓦伊巴夫·米爾焦卡, 東尼, 米歇爾, 凱蒂和喬許·佩德雷蒂, Erik Biemans, Gaurav Mathur, Sameer Halai, Hans Peng, Tekin Gültekin, Thien Loc Huynh, PH Chua, Varinia Bohoslavsky, Penelope Misquitta, and Ravi S. Rāmphal.


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