你能解開蛋滴之謎嗎? – 約西·埃蘭

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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-solve-the-egg-drop-riddle-yossi-elran

The city has just opened its one-of-a-kind Faberge Egg Museum, with a single egg displayed on each floor of a 100-story buildingand the world’s most notorious jewel thief already has her eyes on the prize. Can you help the thief formulate a plan that will drop the most expensive egg she can get safely into her waiting truck? Yossi Elran shows how.

Lesson by Yossi Elran, 由 Artrak Studio 執導.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的!
齋藤裕, Sarabeth Knobel, Quentin Le Menez, Mattia Veltri, 法比安·阿梅爾斯, 桑德拉·特斯魯伊森, Marcel Trompeter-Petrovic, PnDAA, Jose Fernandez-Calvo, Steph, Zhexi Shan, 古斯塔沃·門多薩, 芭芭拉·納扎爾, 喬什·恩格爾, 娜塔莉亞·里科, 安德烈亞快樂, Olivier Brunel, 貝爾納多·保羅, 維克多·E·卡赫爾, 悉尼埃文斯, 拉托拉·斯萊德爾, 聖誕套裝, 艾利歐特·普林, Emily Lam, Alex Neal.


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