你能解開達芬奇之謎嗎? – 坦尼婭·霍瓦諾娃
在 https 練習更多解決問題的方法://輝煌的.org/TedEd/
Solution to Bonus Riddle: https://brilliant.org/tededautobiographical/
You’ve found Leonardo da Vinci’s secret vault, secured by a series of combination locks. Fortunately, your treasure map has three codes: 1210, 3211000, and… hmm. The last one appears to be missing. Can you figure out the last number and open the vault? Tanya Khovanova shows how.
Lesson by Tanya Khovanova, 由 Artrak Studio 執導.
非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的!