Chasing Eclipseswith Frank Close

Frank Close takes us on a journey of eclipse hunting, weaving in history and science.
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Frank’s bookEclipses: What Everyone Needs to Knowis out in November 2019 and is available to pre-order now –

On 21 八月, 超過 100 million people will gather in a narrow belt across the USA to witness the most watched total solar eclipse in history. Former Christmas Lecturer Frank Close will describe why eclipses happen, their role in history and myth and reveal the spellbinding allure of this most beautiful natural phenomenon.

Frank Close a particle physicist, author and speaker. He is Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford. He was formerly vice president of the British Association for Advancement of Science, Head of the Theoretical Physics Division at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Head of Communications and Public Education at CERN.

在 1993, he delivered the CHRISTMAS LECTURES on The Cosmic Onion.

This talk was filmed at the Ri on Tuesday 25 七月 2017.

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