在瑞士阿爾卑斯山攀登 | 和尚與少女 (法語帶英文字幕)

女演員卡羅爾·德尚特和她的導遊, Daniel Schliefsteiner 和 Jacky Pochons 帶我們前往僧侶峰和少女峰, 2 peaks more than 4000m above sea level in the Bernese Oberland.
The journey begins with the ascent of the Mönch along a beautiful snowy ridge. 然後, a few hours from the summit of the Jungfrau, Carole slips and tumbles 200m down a frozen slope: she miraculously walks away with just a few scratches. A year later, she overcomes her fears and returns to the top of the legendary Jungfrau.

13:34 Summit of the Mönch
25:45 Carole’s fall
29:09 Back to the Jungfrau
33:34 Jacky’s fall
37:46 Summit of the Jungfrau


Climbing of the Eiger: https://youtu.be/Hpyjc_xWHeY
Climbing of the Gran Paradiso: https://youtu.be/3x8w3PrfQS4

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導向器: Sébastien Devrient
生產: VERTIGES Production
Year: 2015


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