收藏亮點: 托馬斯薩克維爾爵士的盔甲, 巴克赫斯特勳爵 – 皇家工坊, 格林威治

受外交官兼作家托馬斯·薩克維爾爵士委託, 巴克赫斯特勳爵, 與十六世紀後期的大多數格林威治盔甲相似, this flamboyant garniture is richly decorated with etched and gilt strap work and borders. The garniture(c.1587-1589) ‘for the field’ made at the Greenwich workshop under Elizabethan master Jacob Halder(死了 1608) includes interchangeable parts which were used to configure the armour for several different forms of ‘field’ combat, and can be found in the Wallace Collection’s European Armoury II.

Music by David Hilowitz.

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