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Meet TRAPPIST-1, an ultra-cool dwarf star almost twice as old as our sun, but less than 1% as bright. And seven Earth-sized planets are in its orbit that could have the potential for supporting life…

From the depths of black holes to mysterious alien worlds, journey into the darkest corners of the #Universe like never before. Discover more. 👉 https://fal.cn/3jiSE

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行星地球 http://bit.ly/PlanetEarthPlaylist
Blue Planet http://bit.ly/BluePlanetPlaylist
Planet Earth II http://bit.ly/PlanetEarthIIPlaylist
Planet Dinosaur https://bit.ly/PlanetDinosaurPlaylist

Archive by Category "場景體驗 (2021)
Deep space. High drama. Take a front row seat for the greatest show in the universe. From the makers of The Planets. Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Alien planets, zombie stars, black holes bigger than a billion suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell. Universe takes you on an interstellar journey to places we didn’t even know existed 10 years ago – including new discoveries of strange alien worlds. Using incredible CGI and drawing on huge advances in technology and scientific understanding, it immerses you in awe-inspiring wonders. The Planets captured the story of the solar system. Universe goes far beyond, propelling you into the vastness of space.

歡迎來到 BBC 地球! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. 在這裡你會發現 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. 戲劇性, 稀有的, 和獨家, 大自然沒有比這更令人興奮的了.

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