Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to Cézanne | 國家畫廊
A celebration of major Impressionist paintings from The Courtauld Gallery.
‘Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to Cézanne’ traces the development of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings through a selection of over forty masterpieces.
Enjoy highlights from The Courtauld Gallery, including famous works by Cézanne, 圖盧茲勞特雷克, 雷諾阿, 馬奈, and Seurat alongside a selection of much-loved Impressionist paintings from the Gallery’s own holdings.
This exhibition is a collaboration between the National Gallery and The Courtauld Gallery.
Courtauld Impressionists: From Manet to Cézanne
17 九月 2018 – 20 一月 2019
The Wohl Galleries
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