菊花鏈: 康沃爾鎮能否適應再次封鎖?
當偏遠的聖賈斯特鎮, 康沃爾, 3月份被封鎖, 小社區擔心其經濟無法生存. But one town councillor, Daisy Gibbs, rallied an army of volunteers to form ‘the Daisy chain’, an informal support network to ensure every household in the district had support. Inspired by her imagination and resilience, filmmaker Sky Neal followed the Daisy Chain for seven months, as local businesses adapted and the community pulled together to realise a more sustainable future. 然而, as a second wave of restrictions threatens, the town has to dig deep to find the resilience they need to ensure their future. Can they re-invent their local economy to survive and thrive beyond Covid?
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