舞蹈電影 2022 預習: 筒倉 (巴黎, 法國)

明暗對比揭示了生物用本能的手勢發現他們的環境. 金屬迴聲警告, they gather within a pack through a cadenced choreography, revealing a vulnerability specific to human beings. Between control and collapse, their bodies rush into a frantic race.

巴黎, 法國
導向器: Jérémie Bouillon
編舞: Sarah Adjou
特色: Aurore Mettray, Anna Beghelli, Maé Nayrolles, Adrien Lichnewsky, Chiara Corbetta, Maureen Mouttou, Maxime Joret, Sarah Adjou
音樂: Sebastien Brun
Writers: Jérémie Bouillon & Sarah Adjou

Screening: 國會舞會 & Cinema Festival – 十月 8 2022 @ Eaton Workshop DC


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