大衛弗雷演奏巴赫: 哥德堡變奏曲, BWV 988: 詠嘆調 & 變化 1
大衛弗雷在這張具有里程碑意義的專輯中展示了他自己對巴赫哥德堡變奏曲的詮釋. 買, 下載, 在這裡聽: https://w.lnk.to/goldLY
“We are servants to this work of infinite complexity: we can never feel that we’ve seen it from every angle or reached the top. We come to this monument with humility and some excitement, because it’s a journey that will change our lives to some degree. You shouldn’t aim for perfection but for authenticity: to produce something that makes sense, something that is natural, coherent, and tells a story that everyone can relate to because it’s the story of humanity.” – David Fray
影片: Chagar Productions
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華納經典是古典音樂的故鄉, 具有來自最偉大的古典傳奇的標誌性高音質錄音, 上世紀的歌劇明星和管弦樂隊.
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