迪娜·恩格爾, 格倫·沃頓: 藝術家檔案倡議: 當代藝術家的新研究模式

可能 2, 2019. Deena Engel 和 Glenn Wharton 在紐約大學討論藝術家檔案計劃 (紐約大學), a collaboration to develop public resources about contemporary artists beginning with David Wojnarowicz and Joan Jonas. The initiative responds to a growing need for art world professionals and academic researchers to work with artists in building information resources to aid scholarship, 保護, and future exhibition of their work. The focus is equally on the content of these resources and the software infrastructure used to house the information. In addition to creating artist-specific resources, the aim is to stimulate discussion about variability and authenticity in the display of contemporary art through symposia, 工作坊, and publications.


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