Deficits & Debts: 速成班經濟學 #9
What is debt? What is a deficit? And do these things have different outcomes for individuals and nations? Adriene and Jacob answer all these questions and more on this week’s Crash Course Econ. Deficit and debt are easy to misunderstand, but luckily, they’re also pretty easy to understand. This week we’ll explain what deficit and debt are, and talk about what the sources of deficit and debt are for the US Government. 還, we’ll take a very special trip to Cliffordonia to try and understand these concepts and get a look at what a colonial-era space program might have looked like.
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標記 , Elliot Beter, 莫里茨施密特, 杰弗裡湯普森, 伊恩·鄧多爾, Jacob Ash, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, Today I Found Out, Christy Huddleston, James Craver, 克里斯·彼得斯, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 史蒂夫·馬歇爾, Simun Niclasen, 埃里克廚房, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 阿維·亞甚欽, 傑森·薩斯洛, Jan Schmid, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 基督教 , Anna-Ester Volozh
當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始 –
當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始 –
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