Did ancient Troy really exist? – Einav Zamir Dembin

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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/did-ancient-troy-really-exist-einav-zamir-dembin

When Homer’s Iliad was first written down in the eighth century BCE, the story of the Trojan war was already an old one. From existing oral tradition, audiences knew the tales of the long siege, the duels outside the city walls, and the trick that finally won the war. In the end, the city was burned to the ground, never to rise again. But had it ever existed? Einav Zamir Dembin investigates.

Lesson by Einav Zamir Dembin, directed by Cabong Studios.

非常感謝我們的顧客對我們的支持! 沒有你,這個視頻是不可能的! 神聖恩典達桑托斯, 布萊恩理查茲, 法拉·阿卜杜勒瓦哈卜, 喬·邁耶斯, 米哈伊爾·施基列夫, 拉斐爾·洛朗, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 甜牛奶可可, 大衛·馬修·埃茲羅伊, Ever Granada, fatima kried, 圖通庫女士, Lala Arguelles, Mehmet Sencer KARADAYI, 克里斯蒂安·庫奇, 裴成慶, Luis Felipe Ruiz Langenscheidt, 黃喬, 羅漢古普塔, 千疊林布, 劉熾平, 羅布森·馬蒂尼奧, 賈森·加西亞, 凱琳·拉姆齊, 亞倫漢森, 約翰·薩維蘭, 妮可·菲爾森德-羅克斯伯勒, 文卡特·文卡塔克里希南, 桑迪·納賽爾, QIUJING L BU, 瑜珈空中飛人旅行癖, 傑倫·布萊克本, 亞歷杭德羅·卡舒亞, 托馬斯·蒙加萬, 埃琳娜·克雷西亞, 埃德拉·帕尼格爾, 莎拉·倫德加德, 安娜-皮奇納昆茨, Tim Armstrong, Erika Blanquez, Ricki Daniel Marbun, zjweele13, Judith Benavides, 肯, 凱特琳·德·法爾科, Tsz Hin Edmund Chan, Melvin Williams, Tirath Singh Pandher, Athena Grace Franco, Terry Minion, Ian McPherson, Mauricio Basso, Kelvin Lam, Jamesbo87 , Tara Frost, Karlee Finch, Chumi Ogbonna, Barthélémy Michalon, Lefty McGoo, Lucas Pincerato, Prefer Anonymous, Mohamed Elsayed, Amin Shahril, Mihail Radu Pantilimon, Chris Thompson, Derek Drescher, Karisa Caudill, Zhong Ming Zenny Tan, Christina Salvatore, Brady Jones, Todd Gross, Alexis Hevia, Heidi Stolt, Daisy Trujillo, Robert Seik, Coenraad Keuning, Charles A Hershberger, 勞拉·卡梅倫·基思, Abhishek Goel, Max Ngomane, Rafael Kato, Jen O’Hogan, Renu Balak, Marc Bou Zeid, JY Kang, Anastasiia, Madee Lo, 阿爾皮塔·辛格, Karl Laius, Barbarossa, Luca Oradini, Tu-Anh Nguyen, Melissa Rocha, Julia Fell, Guy Hardy, Rachel Chen, Sebastiaan Vleugels, Joel Alfonso, Tom Vu, Derya Goekcay, Brandy Sarver, Fernando Minardi, Jose Arcadio Valdes Franco, 他拿起伊曼紐爾, igor romanenko, Dian Atamyanov, Ernest Chang, Abhishek Bansal, Austin Randall, Ryan B Harvey, Jennifer Kurkoski, phkphk123321 , Arlene Weston, Mehmet Yusuf Ertekin, Ten Cha, Les Howard, Kevin O’Leary, Francisco Leos, Prateek Shrivastava, Robert Patrick, 喬治, Marcus Appelbaum, Alan Wilder, Amin Talaei, Mohamed Elsayed, Aleksandr Lyozin, Eimann P. Evarola, Claire Ousey, Carlos H. Costa, Tariq Keblaoui, 貝拉·納梅斯利克, Nick Johnson, Won Jang, Johnnie Graham, Junjie Huang, Harshita Jagdish Sahijwani, Amber Alexander, Yelena Baykova, Laurence McMillan, and John C. Vesey, Karmi Nguyen.


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