Economic Systems and Macroeconomics: 速成班經濟學 #3

In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill teach you about Economic Systems and Macroeconomics. 所以, economics is basically about choices. We’ll look at some of the broadest economic choices when we talk about the difference between planned economies and market economies. We’ll get into communism, socialism, command economies, and capitalism. We’ll look at how countries choose the kind of system they’re going to use (spoiler alert: many end up with mixed economies). We’ll also look into how individuals make economic choices.

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感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, Jan Schmid, Anna-Ester Volozh, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 傑森·薩斯洛, Christian Ludvigsen, 克里斯·彼得斯, Brad Wardell, Beatrice Jin, Roger C. Rocha, Eric Knight, Jessica Simmons, 杰弗裡湯普森, Elliot Beter, Today I Found Out, James Craver, 伊恩·鄧多爾, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 桑德拉船尾, Jacob Ash, 史蒂夫·馬歇爾

TO: Everyone
FROM: 馬丁

To gild refined gold is just silly.

TO: Dana
FROM: Cameron

Still holding out. We’re going to make it!

Thank you so much to all of our awesome supporters for their contributions to help make Crash Course possible and freely available for everyone forever:

Raymond Cason, Marcel Pogorzelski, Cowgirlgem, Chua Chen Wei, Catherine Emond, Victoria Uney, Robin Uney, Damian Shaw,
Sverre Rabbelier

當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始 –
當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始 –
棒棒噠 –
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