Sonia Delaunay 的電棱鏡: 探索電燈的效果 | 藝術品解釋

被詮釋為現代性的頌歌, Prismes Electriques 的靈感來自沿著聖徒大道 (Boulevard Saint) 的散步- 米歇爾在巴黎, when Sonia Delaunay and her artist husband Robert came upon newly installed electric lamplights. Both artists agreed to try to recreate the glow of the lights in their artworks
➡️ Discover more masterworks:

訂閱wocomoMUSIC: https://訂閱wocomoMUSIC

The Masterworks series is a treasure trove of art. Each ten-minute program focuses on an individual painting, with a rich visual survey accompanied by an authoritative voice-over commentary. The selection of works, from galleries on both sides of the Atlantic, covers a broad spectrum of art from the earliest European masterpieces to contemporary works, introducing the unfamiliar and rediscovering the well-loved.

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