元素之舞 | 插曲 6: 原子工廠
插曲 6: 原子工廠
Where do atoms come from?
We discover that stars, like our Sun, are big atom factories, creating the building blocks for everything
including humans. This means we are also made of stardust. In the dance section, we
explore how two atoms collide to create heavier atoms and we turn our bodies into atom
factories just like the Sun.
Helping students of all ages discover the world of atoms through dance.
Join atomic physicists from Imperial College London and dance artists from The Place to learn about atoms and molecules in a creative and physical way.
After the two-minute introductory ‘Episode 0′, there are six 20 to 30-minute-long films. In each, a scientific theory is explained by a physicist and explored creatively with a dance artist. Additional project ideas are suggested at the end of each episode.
Follow along at home or at school. If you’re a teacher, you may like to use the films to create your own lesson plans.
For more information, 請拜訪: https://www.theplace.org.uk/elemental-dances