插曲 10: 恐懼和焦慮症
Description: 恐懼和焦慮症
Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychological problems for which people seek out psychotherapy. At the same time, anxiety is a feeling that everyone knows and everyone has suffered from—some more, some less. But at what point does anxiety become an illness? This episode explores the question of how anxiety arises and how anxiety disorders can be understood from a psychoanalytic perspective.
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Literature Recommendations:
Bowlby, Ĵ. (1960): Separation Anxiety. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 41, 89—113.
Busch, F。, Milrod, B. L., & Shear, ķ. (2010): Psychodynamic concepts of anxiety. In D. Ĵ. Stein, 乙. Hollander, & B. 這. Rothbaum (Eds.), Text-book of anxiety disorders (p. 117–128). American Psychiatric Publishing, 公司.
Busch F., Milrod B.L., Singer M.B. (1999): Theory and technique in psy-chodynamic treatment of panic disorder. J Psychother Pract Res. 8,3,234—42.
弗洛伊德, 小號. (1909/1955): Analysis of a phobia in a five year old boy. Standard Edition, 103—147. 倫敦: 霍加斯.
弗洛伊德, 小號. (1926/1959): Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety. Standard Edi-tion, 77—174. 倫敦: Hogarth Press.
Mawson, C. (2019): Psychoanalysis and Anxiety: From Knowing to Being. 倫敦: Routledge.
Rangell, 大號. (1968): A further attempt to resolve the “problem of anxiety.” Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 16,3, 371–404.
Sable, 磷. (1994). Separation anxiety, attachment and agoraphobia. Clinical Social Work, 22, 369–383
Slavin-Mulford, Ĵ & Hilsenroth, 米. (2012). Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Treatments for Anxiety Disorders: A Review. Psychodynamic Psycho-therapy Research, 117—137.
Winnicott, D.W. (1952). Anxiety associated with insecurity. 在 :Collected papers: Through paediatrics to psycho-analysis. 倫敦: Tavistock.
揚聲器: Soliman Lawrence & Rebecca Dyson-Smith
翻譯: Soliman Lawrence
Written and produced by Dr. Cécile Loetz & 博士. Jakob Johann Müller
Contact: lives@psy-cast.org
#Psychoanalysis #Anxiety #Psychotherapy