插曲 4: “兩個靈魂唉! 住在我的胸膛裡”——心理衝突
Description: Psychic Conflicts
“Should I really do it—or should I rather not?” In many situations, we are at odds with ourselves, want to have our cake and eat it too, or are two minds—or even more?—about something. Conflicts determine our coexistence with other people, but also our inner mental life. The subject of this episode is: why conflicts are the key to understanding psychological suffering, but also to psychological development.
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Literature Recommendations:
弗洛伊德, 小號. (1930/2002): Civilization and Its Discontents. 倫敦: Penguin.
基督教, C。, Eagle, M.N., Wolitzky D.L. (2015). Psychoanalytic Perspec-tives on Conflict: A Critical Reassessment. 倫敦: Routledge.
Cierpka M., Grande T., Rudolf G., von der Tann M., Stasch M. (2007): The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics System: Clinical Rele-vance, Reliability and Validity. Psychopathology, 40, 209–220
Dunn J. (1993): Psychic conflict and the external world in Freud’s theory of the instinctual drives in light of his adherence to Darwin. Int J Psycho-anal., 74 (2), 231-40.
Erikson, E.H. (1959/1994). Identity and the Life Cycle. 紐約 (紐約): Norton & Company
Lemma, A. (2015). Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psycho-therapy. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley-Blackwell.
萊文, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程. (2017). 精神分析, 社會, and the Inner World: Em-bedded Meaning in Politics and Social Conflict. 倫敦: Routledge.
Meltzer, D., Williams, M.H. (2018). The Apprehension of Beauty: The Role of Aesthetic Conflict in Development, Art and Violence. 倫敦: Karnac.
Papiasvili, E.D. (1995). Conflict in psychoanalysis and in life, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 4:4, 215-221
揚聲器: Soliman Lawrence & Rebecca Dyson-Smith
翻譯: Soliman Lawrence
Written and produced by Dr. Cécile Loetz & 博士. Jakob Johann Müller
contact: lives@psy-cast.org
#Psychoanalysis #Conflicts #Psychotherapy