與 Funmi Oyatogun 一起探索尼日利亞

Explore Nigeria with Funmi Oyatogun and hear about her most memorable holiday and what not to miss. Continue your virtual journey at https://g.co/explorenigeria, and watch the ‘Explore Nigeria’ playlist to get more recommendations from Bukola Wahab (Shawttynat), Ibe Kenneth (MaziIbe_), Oluwatosin Ajibade (Olorisupergirl), Ibrahim Salawu (Unilag Olodo), Pamilerin Adegoke (Uncle Pamilerin) and Yemisi Odusanya (Sisi Yemmie).

發現鼓舞人心的時刻, 標誌性人物, 觸手可及的藝術奇觀. 谷歌藝術 & 文化讓你沉浸在文化中 360 意見, 放大以揭示傑作的秘密, 參觀宮殿和博物館的幕後之旅, 看孩子們向藝術專家解釋名畫, 還有更多. 藝術改變了我們看待世界的方式以及我們看待彼此的方式, 所以我們邀請您來和我們一起拓展您的視野.

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